Only 2 more days to go!

03-01-2023 | 16:16

Dear donors,

We wish you a wonderful 2023!

Our year could not have started more beautifully: all together you have already donated more than 60,000 euros. With this, we have reached 95% of our second target amount. Thank you so much!

With only two days left, we of course hope that even more people will participate. Do you know someone who has always wanted to take a look behind the scenes at Dutch National Opera & Ballet? From now on, you can choose an extra reward: a lottery with a chance to win a backstage tour for 2 people.

Please share the campaign one more time with your fellow ballet and opera lovers during this final sprint. For a creative and musical future in Studio Boekman!

Warm greetings on behalf of everyone at Dutch National Opera & Ballet