We reached our minimal goal amount! But you can still help us...

07-12-2022 | 12:07

Dear donors,

Incredible! Within two weeks, we managed to reach our goal amount of €40.000 for the new seats in Studio Boekman. It's fantastic that so many donors want to contribute to the renovation of our smallest theatre. Thank you so much!

Thanks to your enthusiasm and donations, we are able to increase our goal amount by €25.000. With this extra amount we can ensure that the quality, and thus the durability, of the new seats will be even better. For example, we can choose higher quality fabrics for the seats, and higher quality materials for the stairs and flooring. In addition, this increased amount will give us the opportunity to invest in booster seats, and separate seating for children. With these extra possibilities we will be able to create different seating layouts within the theatre

Will you help create seating for even more visitors? Every donation counts!